Since that time I have built over 650 fireplaces, specializing in stone Rumford fireplaces. During my time in engineering school in Boston, I was able to research Rumford fireplaces and became very interested in their design and the way they have been used for 100 plus years, for many things: from heating to cooking. The trick today, is to make a Rumford fireplace confirm to today's strict building codes.
Of course the chimney is a vital part of any fireplace, which requires knowledge in flashing; especially with Cape Cod wind and rain.
Panflashing is our method for constructing center chimneys, whether it be lead, lead-coated copper or copper. Proper fllu size also plays in large part in proper draft of the fireplace, along with a substantial smoke shelf. Even my basic fireplaces are designed to heat.
When buidling a new home or renovating an existing home or building, it is essential that the architect, the framer and the mason work together to establish the correct measurements, materials and timing to bring a project to completion.
Steve Kady Masonry Construction also has extensive experience in the special challenges presented in the restoration of masonry related projects of Historical homes, and is very familiar with the rules and regulations associated with projects in Historical Districts on Cape Cod as well as the masonry construction techniques used in the masonry construction of antique homes and buildings.
As every project is unique we would be happy to meet with you to discuss your project.
Rumford Stone Fireplaces
Stone Seawall Construction
Stone Wishing Wells
Custom Stone & Masonry Construction
Licensed, Insured - Trusted
Steve Kady Masonry
508-563-2515 office
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Started buildling fireplaces in 1975, working with my Father and my Uncle in one of the largest masonry construction businesses on Cape Cod.
Website designed and maintained by Terie Michon,
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